Inclusion 2030: Global Trends Redefining the Workforce

CPCU Society members who join or renew their membership before Friday, Feb. 7 will receive exclusive access to the recording of this webinar presentation delivered by In2Risk 2024 conferment keynote speaker, Dr. Shirley Davis for 30 days. The work, workers, and workplace of the future will continue to undergo dramatic transformation. Research suggests that by 2030 workers will be older and younger at the same time, more educated and less skilled, hyper-connected through new technologies, and more ethnically diverse. How can we ready our organizations for this new workforce reality? What new strategies, competencies, and skills will be necessary to harness the benefits, yet counter the negative effects of these global disruptions? More importantly, what new leadership models will be needed in order to achieve high performance, innovation, and inclusiveness? Our expert, Dr. Shirley Davis, will answer all of these questions as they detail the megatrends and business implications that will shape the workforce of the future. Additionally, they will provide practical strategies that business leaders should employ if they expect to achieve greater Inclusion in 2030.
Dr. Shirley Davis

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Career Development > Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Career Development > Leadership and Management
Industry > Evolution > Trends
60 mins
CPCU In Good Standing Credit
Published Date