Tell us about yourself as a professional. Do you have a special interest or area of expertise,
unusual background or experience, or a topic or skill you’re working to get better at?
I moved to the insurance industry with a background in Physical Therapy/ Sports medicine, with that background I started as a claims adjuster for injuries arising out of car accidents. Since it was a career change for me, I felt I owed it to myself to learn more about insurance in order to be successful and create future opportunities for myself. I completed my first CPCU class within 3 months of joining the industry and didn't look back. After completing my designation, I moved to underwriting, working in Surety initially and then moving to middle market and then large monoline property. I was then presented with an opportunity to join Verisk as part of the commercial property team was very exciting for me. With the experience I had gained, I could now be a part of helping carriers and brokers alike with their commercial property needs and issues at a time when property was becoming very challenging due to market pressures and inflation, not to mention the increase in catastrophe losses. I flourished in this role and now lead my own team in the Small Commercial space, helping customers with their business and property data needs.
Why are you passionate about working in insurance and/or risk management?
Once I fully understood all the things that insurance brings to the community, it was easy to become passionate about advocating for a career in insurance. The carriers I worked at supported many local and national charities including the United Way and Toys for Tots to name a few. At Verisk, our community mitigation work is the benchmark for grading public fire protection, helping to build more resilient communities when loss events occur.
Tell us about something you enjoy outside of work, a cause you support, a hobby, family activity, or anything else that is important to you.
My main hobby outside of work is playing competitive darts, while I am certainly not the best player- the social aspect of the game is what I enjoy most. I am also the board VP of my local darting association.
In your opinion, what’s the best thing about being a CPCU Society member?
The best things about being a CPCU society member are staying current with industry news, I personally enjoy the articles in Insights, in addition to networking with other CPCUs that are passionate about the industry and continual learning. Getting my designation was one of the best things I have done professionally.
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